WO Larsen

The W. Ø. Larsen shop at Amagertorv 9, Copenhagen, has been known to pipe lovers for a long, long time. It is the same location where Wilhelm Ockenholt Larsen opened a cigar speciality shop in 1864. Eventually, W. Ø. Larsen became internationally recognised for its excellence in pipes, pipe tobaccos and cigars. Niels Larsen‘s father, Ole W. Ø. Larsen, is a talented designer who began producing pipes in the early 1950s. And it didn‘t take long before demand for his pipes outgrew production capacity. Therefore, he created a small workshop in which top Danish pipe makers would design their own wares for W.Ø. Larsen. This arrangement continues today. Niels W.Ø. Larsen is a seasoned salesman and speaks several languages fluently; and his pipe makers deliver superb quality – something that ultimately reflects the treasured reputation of the W. Ø. Larsen pipes. Presently, W. Ø. Larsen‘s production consists of three series – each one a benchmark for quality.
The initial mellow tone of carefully selected briar roots is hand-polished over again with finer and finer sandpaper in order to bring the prominent and appealing lighter grains to the fore.
The Two Tone is finally polished with wax which endows the harmonious contrast of the two tones with the classic W.Ø Larsen finish: is available with a black hard rubber mouthpiece and also as a Special with, for example, horn, amber or silver rings.
The Select pipe is made of the most beautiful and purest Corsican briar. Its natural beauty is highlighted by its soft, light finish: is an exclusive pipe for connoisseurs. Its perfect smoking properties are combined with elegance. Its available with a black mouthpiece or a Cumberland, in many different editions.
Straight Grain are the most noble pipes in the W.Ø. Larsen collection. Veining, purity and the actual pipe production must meet the conditions of ten quality levels. When a pipe meets these criteria, it is bestowed with the name "Pearl". The W. Ø. Larsen Straight Grain pipes are available in both traditional and modern styles.

Pipe in offerta

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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le pipe.it: опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.

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